What marks you?
As a football team and as men … We at BU want to be marked by and known for:
Authentic GRATEFUL hearts that foster joy and toughness in all things. This leads to a thankful perspective even in difficult times. We know that growth comes through facing and leaning into adversity, therefore we embrace it and are thankful for it.
TOUGHNESS of character that is evidenced by discipline, self control, poise and physical intensity. We will fight against blaming others… We will fight against quitting in all things, big or small… We will fight against apathy. You get good at what you practice. Practice toughness.
DEVOTION. Be devoted to each other and the King! Love each other like brothers…sometimes with a kiss and sometimes with a kick. Expect your brother’s best and give him yours. Fight for and with him. Grieve and celebrate with him. Care about him. We are tethered to one another and the King of Kings. Embrace the power and freedom that the cross provides. It’s amazing how far you can fly when you are tethered to something that is strong and sure.
Decide who you want to be for yourself and for others and work toward becoming that person. Do it not just for yourself but for your teammates, family, coworkers, community and church.
In Him,
Steve Johnson
Head Coach- Bethel Football